Clank! Sleeves 63,5 x 88 mm - Catacombs
Tillfälligt slut - Oklart datum
180 kr
100 full-art sleeves i storlek Standard
Klar framsida och 1 av 4 olika fullkonst-baksidor: Logo, Dragon, Artifact eller Catacombs.
Antal sleeves som krävs per produkt:
Clank! A Deck-Building Adventure - 183
Clank! Sunken Treasures - 36
Clank! The Mummy's Curse - 41
Clank! Expeditions: Gold and Silk - 0
Clank! Expeditions: Temple of the Ape Lords - 0
Clank! Adventuring Party - 127
Clank! Promo Pack 1 - 15
Clank! Catacombs - 183
Clank! In! Space! - 183
Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse! - 35
Clank! In! Space! Cyber Station 11 - 40
Clank! In! Space! Adventures: Pulsarcade - 0
Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated - 250
Clank! Legacy: Upper Management Pack - 40
Clank! Legacy: The "C" Team Pack - 40
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