In Onami players lay down cards on a board. When laying these different card they can capture other players cards. At the end of the game the player with the most cards under his or her control wins.
Each player will draw 5 cards from the deck. Each card in their hand will have 4 numbers on it, one number on each facing of the card. North, East, South, and West.
Next they will place a double sided token on the card marking that they own it, with the color of their choosing facing up. They will then draw a card from the deck, signaling the end of their turn.
The next player will then go, doing the same thing.
When placing cards you must choose to place them in such a way that you can capture another players card while at the same time defending your own.
Onami is easy to learn, yet possesses enough complexity to present a new challenge every game; keeping even the most stalwart generals coming back for more.